Tim Williams

Tim Williams

Deputy Division Director, CPS

Dr. Timothy Williams is the Deputy Director of Argonne’s Computational Science Division (CPS). As part of the ALCF Catalyst team—computational scientists in that support and recruit production projects through the INCITE and ALCC programs—Tim has worked with a number of large-scale projects using ALCF’s suprecomputers, especially in the the area of plasma physics. He currently manages the ALCF Aurora Early Science Program. Tim has been at Argonne since 2009, moving from ALCF to the newly-created CPS division in 2018.

From 2000-2009, Tim worked as a quantitative software developer in the financial industry, writing pricing and risk software for Morgan Stanley in New York and Citadel in Chicago. From 1995-2000, he was a staff scientist at LANL’s Scientific Computing Group and Advanced Computing Laboratory, working on a C++ framework for parallel scientific computing. Starting as a postdoc in the Magnetic Fusion Energy group and Massively Parallel Computing Initiative at LLNL, and later on the NERSCstaff; Tim spent 1989-1995 doing research in tokamak plasma turbulence and other areas, and developing a long-term interest in large-scale parallel computing.