Toward Metascalable Quantum and Reactive Molecular Dynamics Simulations

PI Name Nichols A. Romero, LCF
PI Institution Argonne National Laboratory
Collaborating ANL Division Leadership Computing Facility (LCF)
Project Description

Our metascalable (or “design once, scale on new architectures”) simulation approach achieves portable performance on current and future computing platforms based on a novel divide-conquer-“recombine” (DCR) algorithmic framework for (1) lean divide-and-conquer density functional theory (LDC-DFT) for QMD simulations with minimal O(N) prefactor, and (2) extended Lagrangian RMD (XRMD) to eliminate the speed-limiting charge iterations in RMD simulations. Key to metascalability is global-local separation achieved by our globally scalable/reproducible and locally fast (GSLF) solvers based on (1) a new scalable and reproducible global summation method, and (2) fast shift-collapse (SC) computation of local n-tuples.
Our codes are scalable beyond petaflop/s. Our 39.8 trillion electronic degrees-of-freedom QMD and 68 billion-atom RMD benchmarks have achieved parallel efficiency exceeding 0.98 and 51% of the theoretical floating-point performance on 786,432 Blue Gene/Q cores. Performance-portability of our simulation algorithms has been verified on general-purpose graphics processing units (GPGPUs) and early Intel Xeon Phi.


We will test the performance portability of our quantum molecular dynamics (QMD) and reactive molecular dynamics (RMD) simulation codes to the Intel Xeon Phi Knights Landing (KNL) and other advanced architectures.