E4S: Extreme-scale Scientific Software Stack

PI Name Sameer Shende
PI Institution University of Oregon
Collaborating ANL Division Leadership Computing Facility (LCF)
Collaborating Institutions Argonne National Laboratory, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Sandia National Laboratories, Other
Project Description

The E4S project [https://e4s.io] builds ECP Software Technology (ST) products in a curated, well-tested distribution of containerized and bare-metal builds of packages. It uses Spack [https://spack.io] as the underlying package manager for building the tools and numerical libraries. It supports Singularity and Shifter container runtimes. E4S aims to create a Spack build cache of ST products available for download when a user installs packages with complex package dependency graphs.


Iris, and later Yarrow